S.H.I.F.T provides safe, respectful, and welcoming overnight accommodation, meals and supports to those experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness and/or food insecurity in South Simcoe.
We are committed to facilitating connection to further services, resources, and community.
All program staff, volunteers and participants are expected to follow S.H.I.F.T protocols for health and safety. This includes active health screening prior to entry, the use of PPE and maintaining social distancing. Masks are mandatory for access to any programming within the S.H.I.F.T building – participants may remove their masks when eating, drinking, or sleeping. Hand hygiene is actively promoted within the S.H.I.F.T space.
Anyone experiencing symptoms of a respiratory virus (such as COVID-19) will not be admitted into the space. Shelter users that are experiencing symptoms will not be granted access to the building – alternative shelter will be arranged until such time as a negative COVID test is received, or the completion of a mandatory quarantine because of a positive COVID test.

Outreach & Youth Outreach Programs
With a specific focus on prevention of homelessness – serving those living with low-income throughout South Simcoe and the surrounding area, aged 16 and up, the goal of the Outreach Program is to connect individuals, couples, and families to urgently needed supplies, services, and supports as well as provide emergency assistance to those at-risk of or experiencing homelessness and/or food insecurity (housed or otherwise).
The Outreach Workers may meet with participants at the shelter building in the daytime to provide access to food, basic needs, showers, and information. Staff makes scheduled stops in pre-determined locations as well as taking appointments to meet at designated places throughout South Simcoe and the surrounding areas (as needed).
Outreach hours of operation*:
Monday - Friday - 7:30AM-9:30PM
Saturday, Sunday & Stat Holidays - 10:00AM-6:00PM
Youth Outreach hours of operation*:
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays - 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
*hours may vary depending on need.
This project receives funding support from the County of Simcoe.

Daytime Drop-In Program
Operated café-style, offering a warm place for vulnerable populations to access during the daytime hours. The program is open to anyone experiencing homelessness, as a safe, warm place to access basic needs, harm reduction supplies, food, shower, internet, and housing-related supports during the daytime.
Our focus is on provision of a safe place to stay during the day, while providing resources for community-building. Our aim is to support participants in feeling that they belong to and are engaged in the community. Coffee/tea/juice, snacks and lunch will be provided throughout the day. Staff are onsite to assist participants with housing-related activities, community resources, and supports.
Hours of operation*:
Daily - 10:00AM - 6:00PM
*Hours are subject to change.

Emergency Overnight Shelter (EOS) Program
Offers overnight shelter to individuals and couples experiencing homelessness, with no housing alternatives.
As a short-term, housing-focused shelter, the program is intended to bridge the gap between entering homelessness and moving into safe and sustainable housing. Serving adults and youth (16+), of all genders including transgender people, couples and others who cannot access other local services under harm reduction principles.
During their stay participants are encouraged to work independently to create a sustainable plan to move to a safe, longer-term housing solution. Staff are available to assist participants in their housing-related needs during this time, as requested. This may include, but is not limited to, applications for social services, job and housing searches, education, mental health, or social supports as needed.
Hours of operation*:
Daily - 7:30PM-8:00AM
Intake hours*:
~ in-person or by phone - 11:00AM-6:00PM
~ in-person - 7:00PM-8:30PM
Late intakes subject to capacity and availability
*Hours are subject to change