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Name a Plow
Virtual Auction



  1. Bid on the plow(s) of your choice, highest bid wins.

  2. Tell us your plow name (must be appropriate, see rules at

  3. We send your name selection to the printers to have the vehicle magnets made up

  4. We have you meet us for a photo op to have your vehicle outfitted with its new name

  5. You can see your freshly named snow plow out in the community or track it on the interactive map (be sure to tag us in your posts if you see it around town)



  1. Virtual bidding only

  2. Bid on the plow(s) of your choice to be named (naming opportunity only) and the highest bid wins.

  3. Tell us your plow name (Names must be appropriate - no slander, curse words and must be non-offensive)

  4. Names will be reviewed and approved by S.H.I.F.T. leadership team, if deemed inappropriate winners will have the opportunity to select an alternate name. 

  5. Winners naming choices will be sent to our printers to have the vehicle magnets made up.

  6. We will invite you to meet us for a photo op to have your vehicle outfitted with its new name (if you would like, not mandatory) 

  7. You can see your freshly named snow plow out in the community or track it on the interactive map (be sure to tag us in your posts if you see it around town)

If you have questions please contact Candace at 705-970-7149 or by email at 

Phone: 705-435-7293      Fax: 705-417-2390

Located at: 123 Victoria St. W., Alliston ON

Mail to: P.O. Box 662 Station Main, Alliston ON, L9R 1V8

Charitable Registration No: 78448 3737 RR0001

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